Jõulumäe’s red disc golf course will switch to the winter layout from November 8. Resurfacing work has been completed and the course is open for play.
The winter layout of the red course gives a little change to the relatively complex course – the winter course is almost 700 m shorter than the normal course and is also easier by that. The par of the shortened course is 57, the baskets/courses are still 18. The total length of the courses is 1617 m.
This layout of the red track will remain on Jõulumäe until spring. The red disc golf course is also open during the ski season, when the other courses of the Jõulumäe disc golf park are closed.
From Disc Golf Metrix, you can find the course here: Jõulumäe Red (winter layout) https://discgolfmetrix.com/course/21315.
The course records are held by Mathias Villota and Kristin Tattar.