Asphalted tracks under consruction from 24.09

Attention! Asphalted motion tracks are under construction for about a month from September 24.

Since September 24, the newer, 5-meter-wide section of the track (marked with blue on the map, 1.1 km long) is closed due to renovation works. A new asphalt surface will be installed on the track. After that, construction works will begin on the older, 3-meter-wide section of the track

When all the works are completed, all our asphalt-covered tracks will be 5 meters wide.

During the renovation works, the asphalt tracks are partially open for use. Diversions and closed track sections are marked. Be careful!

Please be attentive, adhere to the restrictions and ensure safety.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

Jõulumäe’s asphalted track is about 3.5 km long. The track is quite technical and consists of different laps. The newer, approx. 1.1 km long track section, built in 2015, is 5 meters wide. The rest of the track is currently 3 meters wide and no longer meets the needs related to both track width and safety. The goal of the construction works is to make the entire set of asphalt tracks in Jõulumäe 5 meters wide in order to ensure better training and competition conditions for all users.